Business Apps for Getting Organized

August 1, 2017 12:38 pm

One of the characteristics of a good business leader, whether you own a small business or large corporation, is the ability to stay organized. If you feel like you are always searching for items or find it hard to stay productive, you may need to “tweak” your organizational skills. Thankfully, technology has come a long way to help you get organized and stay that way from the moment you walk into work until the lights go out at closing. Here are some apps to consider that your IT department could easily put on your mobile devices.

  • To Do Lists – Do you need to maintain a running list of items that need to be accomplished either short or long term? There are apps that can help you quickly jot down items that may slip through the cracks during a busy work day. Two such app are Wunderlist which allows you to share work project lists and EasilyDo which allows for task lists to be prioritized and distributed to employees.
  • Note Taking – We have all been in meetings where we need to take notes, copy and share them with other members of the team. Evernote is a note taking application that lets you record and collect information that you have found interest in.  You can also share your notes with your team members using this application.
  • Financial Organization – Organization specifically geared toward financial expenses can be easily tracked using Expensify. This app allows you to take pictures of your receipts and store them all on one convenient dashboard.
  • Appointments and Event Organizing – As a business leader or manager, there are probably a million appointments, phone calls or conferences that you attend annually. Keeping those dates and times organized can be simple when using Google Calendar or Doodle. These apps allow you to manage and track your calendars across multiple platforms that include Outlook, Gmail, and Yahoo.

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