Do You Have an IT Business Plan?

August 29, 2017 11:27 pm

Most small and medium sized businesses have a business plan and follow the guidelines to keep the company on track for attaining short term and long term goals. But does your company have an IT business plan? While a business plan can help company leaders stay on track for goals, an IT plan can help identify and execute ways that technology can help companies attain those goals. An IT plan helps identify areas of growth, improved or increased revenue streams and ways to use tech to stay organized.


Here are some components to consider when planning out what your Business IT Plan may look like:


  • Mission Statement – There should be a general statement of how the technology used by the company is meant to help reach goals. A list of potential benefits and uses of technology can help get all employees on the same page. For example, if one of the goals is to communicate better with clients and within the company, how will technology play a role in that goal?
  • SWOT Analysis – Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats analysis can help organize how technology plays a role in the day-to-day running of the company. What issues are out there that tech can solve or what issues are created by the use of tech.
  • Inventory – Take an actual inventory of hardware and software and see where gaps or redundancies exist. By looking as a team at what you have, you will be better able to see what technology you may want next year or a few months down the road. Or you may realize what technology is not longer being used by employees and thus can be removed. This is also a good time to review protocols for security and use as the company requires.


Need help planning your IT goals? Call M&H Consulting for an evaluation of your system and IT needs.

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