The Do’s and Don’ts of IT Consulting

January 17, 2017 8:00 am

With IT Consulting being a competitive market, there are many things IT professionals are willing to be flexible about without realizing the damage it may cause to their reputation. These include: lowering fees, taking on various tasks that aren’t of specialty, and more. Here are a few dos and don’ts to help guide IT professionals towards the right direction.

What you should do:

      Determine what your niche is before recruiting clients. The more specialized your work is, the more you’ll be able to market your unique aspects and land more customers.

      Network with businesses you would wish to consult in the future and other professionals to help build a clientele and reference.

      Before meeting with a client, write out a checklist of potential issues to discuss with them as a starter point and let them know who you will need to communicate and work with in the company.

      Set up a time and fee point up front to settle future conflicts.

      Set up an office space if working from home to help maintain focus.

What you should not do:

      Don’t hesitate to ask for contract status updates.

      Don’t feel uncomfortable raising your fees for future clients.

      Don’t take on whatever tasks regardless of the specialty it may require. This can ruin your reputation if something were to go wrong.

      Most importantly, don’t undervalue your work. Set your fees according to the work it will require.

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