Improve the Lifespan of your PC

December 6, 2015 10:40 pm

There is a lot that can be done to maintain your favorite PC in good health, whether it is a desktop or laptop. Sure, there are many new PCs out there for a great price, but none that could compare to your very own. Well, here are some tips to help ensure an improvement in the lifespan of your PC.

Increase Free Space:

As time goes on, your computer can become very cluttered with useless files or programs you no longer use. This can cause your computer to slow down and delay the computer’s start up. The easiest way to clean out space is by deleting all temporary files, emptying the trash bin, cleaning up the desktop, and uninstalling programs that are no longer in use.

When getting rid of programs, make sure to go through the control panel. Deleting the program’s files doesn’t mean it is being uninstalled.

Clean Your PC:

Filth and dust can suffocate the computer’s hardware. This can cause more heat productivity, which can add stress to other elements in the hardware. Clean your computer every 6 to 12 months.

To clean your PC, use a lint-free cloth instead of a paper towel, an electronic-safe cleaning solution, cotton swabs, and a can of compressed air.

Give your PC Space:

When a PC is compressed, it can easily overheat because the fan cannot always catch up. Give your computer access to cool air and avoid placing it near heater vents or space heaters. Also, when using a desktop, avoid placing towers in the cabinets on computer desks.

Avoid Hard Drive Issues:

Many times, improper shutdowns and crashes can occur causing file system errors and bad sectors leading to system instability and blue screen. The best way to stop these issues is by running the “Check Disk” tool frequently in order to detect and repair any issues that may be on the rise.

Defragment Your Drive:

Hard drives can become fragmented and spread out throughout the hardware, which make it work harder and slow down the drive in the process.

Defragmenting can occur by manually running the defragment utility. However, if your computer has the modern version of Windows, then you would not have to worry since it automatically defragments the drive for you.

Use a Surge Protector:

Surge protectors are important as surges can add stress to the computer and even damage the power supply in its entirety, as well as other elements.

When buying or using a surge protector, make sure it has a functional protection status. At times, surge protectors can still produce power even when the protection is no longer there.

Protect Your PC From Power Loss:

Power loss can cause damage to the drive of your PC desktop and cause file extortion.

Using an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) can protect your computer from power loss damages. A UPS is essentially a surge protector with a backup battery that immediately engages after power has been loss.

Laptops would not be affected from power loss.

Protect PC Against Malware:

Malware can encrypt your entire system and refuse to surrender unless a ransom is paid or the drive is restarted from scratch.

To protect your computer, run a good security suite to combat viruses, malware, and intrusions. (Source: PC World)

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