How To Make Windows 10 More Secure

March 16, 2017 3:48 pm

With Windows 10 being known as one of the best, it leaves you to wonder if it’s fully efficient in its security and within the system itself. Although it has many exciting features such as Cortana, it is still a cause for concern. Follow along for some tips to make Windows 10 secure.


  • Turn off Tracking – Turning off tracking will help prevent Microsoft from gathering any random information it can get. First go to your head privacy settings by hitting Start > Settings > Privacy. At the privacy page you can update how your computer uses information such as your location, microphone and so forth.
  • Guard Your Browser History – The troubling thing about Edge is it sends your browsing history to Microsoft in order to help personalize your experience. However, you can change this by simply going to Settings > Advanced Settings > View Advanced Settings and under Privacy and Services turn off where it says “Have Cortana Assist Me in Microsoft Edge.”
  • Don’t create a Microsoft account – By default, it prompts you to create a Microsoft account. You should avoid this at all cost. In not doing so, your activity and information will remain local to just your computer instead of piecing it to all of the metadata it gathers.


To delete or manage your Microsoft accounts, simply go to Settings > Accounts > Your Account.
Use Cortana with caution – As Cortana is one of the most exciting features that has been introduced to Windows, it may, however, come at a price. Cortana’s ability is all about learning about you entirely, creating a personal experience between the user and the computer itself. This includes information on your locations, contacts, even any data regarding speech or handwriting that can be found. With all this information, it’s no surprise that it is being stored within the cloud. Although this sounds exciting, it’s important to take caution by simply adjusting your settings. Specifically, here. In doing so, you’re clearing any interest data that is is collecting giving it just enough permission to your comfort.

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