Online Security Threats

April 11, 2016 3:38 pm

Cyber security is a common concern for businesses as well as individuals hoping to keep their data safe from external (and sometimes internal) threats. Technology has become such an integral part of our lives both personally and in business, that it is hard to think of all the possible threats that are out there. Knowing how cybercriminals are threatening security is the first step to securing your information. Let’s examine some common online security threats that may impact your company.

Women working on laptop

According to the Internet Security Threat Report of 2015 completed by Symantec, there are key trends in the cyber threat landscape. These key trends include:

  • New leapfrog techniques that leapfrog corporate defenses
  • Clever tricks malware authors use to avoid detection
  • Statistics regarding ransomware attacks (soaring 113% in 2014)
  • How social networks and apps enable cybercriminals
  • Why corporate defenses are falling behind as cybercriminals move faster
  • Why attacks on Internet of devices are more serious than ever

    office set up

Common Online Threats:

Malware is an abbreviated term meaning malicious. This is software that is specifically designed to gain access or damage a computer without the knowledge of the owner. There were more than 317 million new pieces of malware created last year that’s nearly one million per day! As if that is not bad enough, the malware is growing in quality not just quantity.

Spyware and adware are often used by third parties to infiltrate your computer. Many times spyware comes in the form of free downloads and can collect personal information about you without you knowing.

Phishing such as fake emails, text messages and websites are created to look like they’re from authentic companies but are meant to steal personal and financial information from your company.

Viruses can be sent in email attachments or downloads with the malicious intent of infecting your computer. This can impact not just you but also everyone on your contact list.

The list could go on and on including ransomware, spoofing, Trojan Horses and Spamming. M&H Consulting can help you develop a strong security posture. Call M&H if you suspect that there is a security threat on your computer. We can analyze your system and evaluate for any threats. From there we can recommend and take action against any threats that are looming for your business.

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