Protecting your Mobile Device

June 23, 2016 8:00 am

When you think of antivirus or security protection, your initial thought is probably laptops and computers, but truth is that smartphones and other mobile devices are no longer safe from malware and viruses. Mobile devices are susceptible to cyber attacks by malware and viruses created specifically to target them.

It’s important to begin taking the same precautions we do on computers,  on mobile devices especially when these malware are so easily contracted, difficult to detect, and almost impossible to remove. Malware can be embedded into your devices, without you even being aware of it, and gain complete access to your device. The worst part about it is that malware can be hiding in any free app.

Here are a few tips to protecting your mobile device from such malicious programs:

Update. This is something we cannot stress enough. Updates come with security solutions to any gaps the past operating system had been missing.

Get Protection. Malware and virus protections do exist for your mobile devices. A couple that we recommend is Malware Bytes and Sophos Antivirus. Malware Bytes offers real time protection and scanning to detect any malicious programs in your device. Sophos Antivirus takes it a few steps further by allowing you to encrypt your data. This helps protect your data in case it is lost or stolen. If that wasn’t enough to convince you already, this program also allows you to set up a remote wipe, which will allow you to wipe out all the data in your device if it were ever stolen.

Avoid Third-Party Sites. This is one of the easiest ways for malware to gain access to your device. They don’t need to go through many tough restrictions like they would if they were going through iTunes and Google Play.

If you are interested in getting full protection on your mobile devices, contact us for advice!

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