Top Email Marketing Services

May 2, 2017 8:40 am

Email has been around since the first one was sent in 1971. Since then, most of us have developed a love/hate relationship with email. It endlessly piles up in our “inbox”, making the typical office worker collect on average 121 emails daily. According to DMR Stats Online, most employees check their email about 74 times a day! While this may seem time consuming and counterproductive, email is still the most pervasive communication tool around in 2017.


Email marketing has spanned the numerous stages of digital marketing evolution and is still going stronger than ever. This is no surprise given that 269 billion emails are sent daily worldwide. Email marketers however are not all that concerned with how many emails are being sent, but are more concerned about the click through and click open rate for marketing emails. Too many consumers and clients are inundated with too many emails that they do not bother to open or even click on at all.  That is where email marketing services come in handy.


In order to conduct a successful email marketing campaign and get consumers to actually open and read your business’s email is a huge feat!  Email marketing services can help with some of the following issues surrounding this marketing strategy including:

  • Increasing Customer Mailing Lists
  • Engage Customers
  • Eye-catching Subject Lines
  • Personalizing the Email
  • Adding Images and Graphics
  • Creating a Relevant Call-to-Action
  • Optimizing for Mobile


Some of the top email marketing services can be found if you follow these links. Read and research each for the specific needs of your company.


7 Best Email Marketing Services for Small Business (2017)



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