Using Technology to Get Ahead

September 19, 2017 8:18 am

Are you getting the most out of the technology at your business? Are the tablets, laptops, mobile devices, networks, and hardware/software helping your business enough? A recent Gartner survey found that CEOs are not utilizing breakthrough technologies ⧿ the Internet of things, 3D printing, AI automation ⧿ to improve productivity. Some are not even using the technology that has been around for years to its fullest extent. How can your company start optimizing its technology usage to get ahead in this very competitive world in which we live?


  • Review Your Current Technology – Conduct a staff meeting to review what technology is currently being used and what is available. Take stock of what employees need training or advanced training on the hardware or software that you currently have. Many free trainings are online, or splurge and sign a group up for a training seminar.


  • Make A Wish List – Create a list of technology that you would love to have at your fingertips to get your company ahead. Explore options such as tech shares to cut the cost burden with other businesses in your area.


  • Start Small – Many employees and business leadership get overwhelmed when too much tech happens at once. Start introducing technology slowly so that proper training and adjustments can be made in the office. This will give workers a chance to become accustomed to the changes and not feel outdated or undertrained.


  • Network – Talk to other businesses to see how technology is helping them advance. While you may not want to give away your trade secrets, you will want to talk shop and find out what your competitors are doing so you can remain competitive yourselves.


If you need help deciding how technology can further your business goals, call M&H Consulting  at 1-(866)-964-8324 for a free initial consultation.

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