Why your Website May Need a New Design

September 1, 2016 8:00 am

Often, we try to visit a website and find ourselves constantly refreshing the site or waiting a much longer period of time than necessary to upload a page. When this happened, we frequently tend to blame the issue on the computer or Internet network when the issue really lies on the website itself. We have put together some points to help determine whether your website needs to be redesigned. If you are someone who owns a website and are questioning if you should redesign your website, keep on reading to find out.

One major point that should stand out as a red flag to you is, if when visiting your site, your devices (computer, laptop, phone, etc.) are refusing to upload your web pages. This could mean that the coding for your website is outdated and not compliant with new devices. Another point that should stand out is if your website takes an extended amount of time loading. This could also tie into an outdated code. Not only is this annoying for you but it can also affect the amount of users visiting your website. Websites that take to long result in lower Google search ranking as well as loss of users.

Another factor that could affect the speed of your website is if it relies heavily on Flash. Not only is this bad for the speed of your site but, it also affects its search engine optimization, its ability to function on mobile devices, and difficulty in navigating through the site. These are all indicators that the issues arising in while online has to do with your website rather than your Internet network.

If you have updated and redesigned your website but are still finding that you are having a difficult time loading the pages, chances are that this issue is occurring with other websites as well. In this case, you may actually have an issue with your Internet network or, even, your device. In order to resolve this issue, contact M&H for advice on how to fix this issue.

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